Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Kant’s Approach to Resolving War in Iraq Essay

Five years after the Iraq war had begun, policymakers are still looking for answers on how to bring about a resolution to that particular conflict. It has been a hot election topic among candidates of both the Republican and Democratic parties in the United States. Some of the policy options presented range from a short term commitment stay in Iraq to a long term commitment of about a hundred years of occupation. It is in this light that this paper would like to argue that conflict resolution strategies based on Kantian ideals provides the best hope for long term peace in Iraq and the rest of the world. In this paper, two well-known works of Immanuel Kant will be utilized in order to provide the theoretical justification for possible conflict resolution strategies. These works include his classic â€Å"Was ist Aufklarung? † or â€Å"What is Enlightenment? † and Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch. These works have generated much consequent discourses and interpretations. It will be argued here that these works provide an incisive critique regarding initial United States policy before the war in Iraq as well as the US’s subsequent policy in trying to democratize Iraq. This paper also suggests that a utilization of Kant’s concept of republicanism and its proper application can create the desired changes in the political systems in the Middle East. Such knowledge claims warrant a discussion of the ideas presented in Kant’s essays. Focault (1978) viewed Kant’s idea of enlightenment as a form of freedom. Immaturity is the condition upon which man must break free. Immaturity takes place when we do not use our powers of reason on how to deal with issues and instead become lazy and substitute our duty to think with a reliance on figures of authority for their interpretation of the truth. Kant believes that it is the duty of an individual to seek enlightenment. According to Focault, Kant challenges each and everyone to become truly aware of the realities that surround us. This challenge is embodied in Kant’s famous motto â€Å"Aude sapere† which literally means have the courage to know. Analyzing the actions of the American government and its decision to wage war in Iraq and its subsequent involvement in the civil war that has ensued, one can argue that this happened that Kant himself would be dismayed that the road to peace that he envisioned was not followed by the Americans. For one, they lack enlightenment. Many of them did not challenge themselves to know the reality of the situation they were about to get themselves into. Many had just accepted the version of the truth that was foisted by the Bush Administration. When the US government said that they have solid evidence that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, politicians from the two major parties accepted this and supported the decision to go to war in Iraq. Another thing is that they violated Kant’s preliminary article on perpetual peace that explicitly prohibited interference in the internal affairs of another government. The only exception to this rule according to Kant is if the country had been split into two during a period of anarchy. Such was obviously not the initial case in Iraq prior to the second gulf war. Years later, no weapons of mass destruction were ever found while the war has claimed thousands of military and civilian casualties. The war continues with almost daily incidents of bombings by militia forces. Such consequences could probably have been avoided had more people exhibited greater skepticism and not readily surrendered their capacity for judgment to a government that wanted to act so hastily. The American people cannot simply blame their government for misleading them towards becoming involved in the war in Iraq. If they think that the problem in Iraq is due only to the blunders committed by the present US government, they have to rethink that idea. Kant himself implies that if one is faced with such public situations, one must have the audacity to know the real situation and exert all possible efforts to achieve this enlightenment. Kant was convinced that one cannot evade one’s responsibility to exercise his power of reason. The only time that a person can be allowed limited use of his reason is if he was part of a system that sets limitations on the things that he can do. One example would be that of a soldier who cannot exercise his power of reasoning vis-a-vis his commander because the organization that he belongs to circumscribes the questioning that he can do. His ability to exercise courage to know the rationality behind his orders is therefore restricted. This distinction was made explicit by Kant when he described this situation as the submissive use of reason because the person is considered as a cog in a machine. This is not the case with the debate and subsequent actions on Iraq. This is because the situation can be considered as public in nature. When this happens, an individual must take advantage of the free exercise of reason. One must question the pronouncements made in order to distill the truth that is often obfuscated by partisan political interests. The failure to find weapons of mass destruction has been overshadowed by the now more pronounced goal of transforming Iraq into a viable democracy. Here again we can find useful the concept of enlightenment as espoused by Kant. The US government is trying to convince its citizens and people around the world that democracy can take root in Iraq even though it has for all intents and purposes externally imposed democracy upon the Iraqis. The US government points to the cases of post war Germany and Japan as examples of successful democratization efforts. Many American do not question if the conditions that were conducive to the democratization efforts at that time are present or if not could be replicated in the situation in Iraq. Politicians try to peddle the idea that if they were successful before they could do it again in the case of Iraq. Again people around the world bear witness to the immaturity being exhibited by many people in America. There must also be a realization that the achievement of peace in Iraq cannot be achieved in the short run. This is because it takes sometime for effort to move towards a republican idea to gain currency and become ingrained in the consciousness of individuals. The process of consolidating efforts toward achieving republicanism is likely to last for several decades. By all indications, this is the likely trajectory of the political situation in Iraq; yet a lot of Americans are thinking that they should just get out rather quickly from the mess that they themselves started. This type of thinking I argue is another form of surrender to the ideas being peddled by some notable politicians without the benefit of subjecting such ideas to a rigorous theoretical and empirical analysis. It can be deduced from Kant’s â€Å"Perpetual Peace† that the solution to the war in Iraq lies in the adoption of republicanism. Republicanism is defined here as a form of government that is representative in character. The idea is that the representative character of a republican government makes it very difficulty to wage war upon another country. Peace is therefore guaranteed under this new political set-up. Thus, in a society that is plagued by civil war, often times it becomes expedient to resort to quick fixes for attaining temporary peace. The imposition of a political system is one such quick fix. This is what Kant warns us that â€Å"methods of expediency omitting all reference to the pure practical reason, can only bring about a re-arrangement of circumstances in the mechanical course of nature. They can never guarantee the attainment of their ends†. Sorli et al (2005) warns that the American strategy in Iraq is not about to significantly improve the political conditions in the Middle East as the Bush Administration envisions it to be. This issue becomes even more salient if you look at the double standard that the current American government seems to apply in case of Iraq where it demands democracy while continuously supporting authoritarian regimes in the region that support their foreign policy (Sorli et. al, 2005,160). Americans think that just because Iraq now has a semblance of a democratic government because of the creation of the US -sponsored parliamentary election, the Iraqis would immediately become partners in creating a world that is safe and that is bereft of war. This is a grossly mistaken concept because the process of becoming a democracy with a representative form of government has not been accepted by a significant portion of the population in that developing country. This view is also supported by Gartzke (2005) who issued a word of caution that pushing countries to become democracies does not help create a stable and peaceful international community. Gartzke further adds that a multi-faceted approach is needed in order to generate the stability needed in a country that is undergoing regime change (Gartzke,2005,29). If there is to be peace in Iraq and for that country is to become a partner in fostering peace around the world, the initiative must come from its citizens to view the achievement of peace as their duty. The reason why it is so important that the sense of duty must come from the Iraqi citizens is because of the likelihood of obedience to the principle of perpetual peace can be greatly increased if this were the case. If the Iraqi people see perpetual peace as their ultimate objective and if the government has the same ultimate objective then this would guarantee the obedience of the Iraqi citizens. Challenges to the new democratic government could be drastically reduced if such a shared vision of the future can be achieved among the different stakeholders in the situation in Iraq. Moreover, Kant also believed that the republican set-up prevented wars from erupting between states. The reason for this was because the systemic structure of the republican government makes it difficult for people to be convinced to wage war especially if they have to bear the some of the costs that Kant himself identified namely cost of waging war, reconstructing after the war and limiting the capacity of the victor state for maintaining peace (Kant, 1795, accessed from www. constitution. org). It is also important the Iraqis view this goal as something that is realizable. Despite of the difficulties that may come along the way on the road towards improving their country, they must not waver. The benefits of republicanism go beyond the maintenance of peace and well into improving economic relations with similar countries. It has been suggested by Cox and Drury (2006) that the democratic peace also pays economic dividends for countries that have fully embraced the concept of republicanism. References References Cox, D. G and Drury, C. A. (2006) Democratic Sanctions: Connecting the Democratic Peace and Economic Sanctions in Journal of Peace Research 43 (6): 709-722. Gartzke, Erik (2005). Economic Freedom and Peace in Economic Freedom of the World: 2005 Annual Report chapter 2. Sorli, Mirjam E. Nils Petter Gledistch and Havard Strand (2005) Why is there so much conflict in the Middle East in Journal of Conflict Resolution 49 (1): 141-165. Kant, Immanuel (1795) Perpetual Peace: A Philoshophical Sketch. Retrieved April 01, 2008 from http://www. constitution. org/kant/perpeace. htm. Focault, Michel (1978). What is Enlightenment? Retrieved April 01, 2008 from http://philosophy. eserver. org/foucault/what-is-enlightenment. html.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

NASA’s Love Triangle Approach

In the workplace, consensual personal activities of individuals always affect the working relationship in undesirable ways. Often intimate relationships between co-workers emit preferential treatment at its best and discriminatory acts at its worst. Although Title VII does not declare intimate relationships in the workplace as an immoral, unethical and distasteful act, enough room for discrimination often produce a resultant effect when persons are disadvantaged due to a preferential treatment of another. There is a potential for hostility when widespread favoritism exists between male and female employees. In a professional working relationship, the workplace would be ideally free from intimate relationships to prohibit favoritism and thereby banning nepotism. Office romances though are not illegal and discriminatory given the increased amount of time spent together by co-workers giving value to their work. However, work is a serious business and management requires workers to act rationally while doing their job. This phenomenon should be a cause for concern when personal issues interfere with work-related issues. The three-way love triangle situation between Lisa Nowak, Bill Oefelein and Corlean Shipman threaten the traditional ideas of anti-nepotism and non-fraternization in the workplace. NASA capitalizes on its human workforce to proffer its interests. Although it’s governing code of conduct according to NASA’s Shana Dale upon interview (Orlando Sentinel, 2007) do not necessarily insisted regulations that guard and meddle on astronauts and other federal employee’s personal lives. No matter how we try to justify this explanation for NASA’s lapses I continue to insist that American companies have a natural desire to keep personal relationships at bay in the workplace in the face of corporate dilemmas over discrimination and harassments. Often management sees that relationships within the company lead to a conflict of interests and inefficiency resulting from spending time and energy on non-work related activities (Avelenda, 1998: 691). Under the guise of protecting employees from claims of sexual harassment, policies would often widen to informally restrict fraternization and intra-organizational intimate interaction. It was therefore a shock to learn how NASA completely disregarded the personal lives of its employees. Astronauts are usually subjected to stringent rules and equally invasive medical procedures. Nowak no doubt had undergone extensive medical and psychological examinations if protocols were followed prior and after her July 4, 2006 on the STS-121 mission which included a trip to the International Space Station according to NASA (2006). Her NASA bio declared her as a flight engineer with a rank of captain who logged almost 13 days in space and garnered the honor as the first Italian American in space. Her confrontation with a fellow NASA employee who was reportedly a rival for the affections of another space shuttle pilot definitely exhibits her gullibility to submit to effects of an emotional strain that is aggravated by strained relationships. NASA’s lapses in the face of the current situation involving the triangle love affair of their employees indicated the organization’s past disinterest over interpersonal issues involving their own working family. NASA has forgotten that Nowak at the age 43 and likely at the prime of her life after her shuttle trip last summer may have felt a bleak end to her career as an astronaut whose second and third spaceflights would be tough to get after space shuttles are scheduled for retirement in 2010(Orlando Sentinel, Feb.,2007). Bouts of depression are also not uncommon to astronauts who come home and are considered as heroes and overachievers. To recall, Edwin â€Å"Buzz† Aldrin as the second man to step on the moon after Neil Armstrong had alcohol problems after their successful return from their mission. NASA has therefore dismissed the complexities of an unpredictable human emotional response in the face of scientific calculable predictability. In response to Nowak’s arrest NASA should review the procedures involved in their psychological evaluations. The military have been instrumental in submitting their personnel particularly pilots for psychological intervention following extraordinary stress like divorce or deaths in the family (Christian Science Monitor; September, 2004). NASA may not have been helpful on this aspect. They may have forgotten how catastrophic consequences are brought about by a human element of error. It would therefore be beneficial for NASA and its employees to understand the stress of working in the space program and at least delegate focus on the personal relationships among its astronauts. Mccurdy (1999) once said that astronauts, like police officers, treat their profession as a way of life, not just a job. Despite any self-discipline, astronauts are enjoined to focus on their goals and keep on pursuing such goals which was seen in Nowak’s single-minded pursuit against a foe. It would help NASA if it should also establish protocols and policies that treat the grievances of their own personnel. A professional independent body that provides proper psychological help and emotional assistance and counseling for its personnel should be made available for its employees. This body’s aim is for the recognition of possible emotional and psychological trauma experience by its key personnel without being used to leverage employment standing in the organization. Any official involvement into the diagnosis and treatment would alert and divert employee-patients away from the program. Secondly, NASA must also work to regulate workplace fraternizing relationships through a less authoritative disapproval of intra-organizational romance. This would be properly implemented when put into writing for NASA to be able to eliminate its involvement in the future as an employer liability. Further, when inter-organizational romance and sexual relationships are frowned upon naturally, the well-discipline NASA astronauts would be consistent in their efforts to refrain from intimate relationships with their co-workers. Another alternative also is for NASA to require employees to report any consensual relationships within its initiation and aftermath through the proper human relations body. In the face of the current scenario between Lisa Nowak, Bill Oefelein and Corlean Shipman, given the organization’s growing exposure and in conjunction with being held liable for its apparent disregard for the well-being of its employees; I feel that NASA has an ethical and moral responsibility to support Nowak through her misdemeanor and refrain from painting her faults and deviant behavior. After all, Bill Oefelein seemingly exercised his dominion by maintaining two romantic relationships at the same time with two different women in the same organization thereby causing trouble for both. To restrict this trend, it would serve NASA if Oefelein should face a temporary suspension as well. Corlean Shipman is entirely the innocent party and ould not benefit any organizing body to involve her in any internal disciplinary measure that Oefelien shall face. Lisa Nowak is already facing criminal charges and yet, NASA is duty-bound to support her through this ordeal after all it has been remiss in its duties towards its employees and the whole scientific community and the public. Society must therefore scrutinize the various policies involve in National scientific and military organizations and regulate the intimate relationships of employees within their organization. This is to ensure that employees are not placed in an unnecessary position that requires them to choose between duty and relationship to enhance productivity and protect them from any emotional turmoil. Title VII may not be so keen on fraternization within official work and duty but somehow this has provided an avenue for harassment and discrimination in the past (Avelenda, 693). NASA as a healthy organization geared towards training personnel for space excellence must also recognize the full potential of allowing people to deal with their emotional problems with the assistance and help of independent human relations services that provide psychological evaluation, treatment and counseling for personnel particularly the ones who are involved in missions. Works Cited Willoughby, Mariano, Cabbage, M., Lundy, S. and Hunt, A. (2007).The Orlando Sentinel. February 7. Avelenda, Saily M. (1998).Comment: Love and Marriage in the American Workplace: Why No-Spouse Policies Don't Work. PA. J. LAB. ; EMP. 691, 693 . United States. NASA. (2006) Astronaut Biography: Lisa Nowak. Accessed : 04 April, 2007 Editorial. (2004). Anyone Ever Prepared To Kill? Christian Science Monitor Magazine, September 29. McCurdy, Howard. (1999). Space and the American Imagination, new ed.   Smithsonian. ;

Monday, July 29, 2019

Adams Aircraft Analysis Report

Adam aircraft is a company that mainly deals in designing, building and certifying new products. The main factor that brought this company into being was that in the aviation industry for many years it lacked a company that wanted to get involved in the business of making new aircrafts from scratch. The above was experienced due to two factors lack of financing and lack of government support. These two factors can be elaborated by the following sentiments:   it’s not until 1994 when the government stepped in to protect aircraft manufacturers from lawsuits that emanated from dealing with aircrafts that were older than18 years. Before this the industry had died because of the many suits that had been filed. Thus not many people wanted to join an industry that would cost them more money in running other than the investment itself. To build a single aircraft is valued at the price of 250 million dollars this value is minus the certification process which takes a lot of money. The two factors are the main contributors of lack of innovation when it comes to the aviation industry. Adam Aircraft Company is an example of a company that has defied all odds in the aviation industry by escaping such hurdles as technology, capital, competition from staunch players like the Cessna and Boeing builders, and skeptics’ from players of the aviation sector, to come to a point of success by creating A500 and A700. The company is faced with major responsibilities which include the need of more finances to improve their innovation models in this industry as they have majored in light weight jets. In the past they have been using a lean budget to oversee their innovations. The company has opted to this kind of plane to increase its utility and increase efficiency. Another major responsibility faced by the company is the need of working through a lean budget, to deliver planes in good time that are not behind schedule or which will be carried out in a slow pace attracting the attention of competitors who will end up using their ideas to make better planes. Adam aircraft company has done well from its conception of humble begins they have grown to beat some of their competitors just by being innovative and timely in their actions. By the fact that they take anything that comes their way with outmost confidence they work with ultimate swagger of understanding their strategies well and to the core. They have taken the advantages of technology and used it to their advantage, this they have done by making it possible the designing of plane structures using the computer which tends to give them preciseness and accurate findings. The fore-mentioned idea helps the company to beat deadlines. Its engineers are always ready to upgrade new ideas and learn more as they work hence their ingenuity is affected to the maximum. When faced with challenges they tend to face it with an attitude of possibilities other than brushing it away to oblivion. Take for the case of john being asked if they can be able to solve the problem of putting an overhead window on an A500 plane to increase visibility of the tanker high and right, the engineers at Adams aircraft could do it in a week’s time. The engineers at Adams aircraft are committed people who are adaptable and flexible flourished and with their years of experience. Key recommendations include the need of motivation which should be revived daily in the company as the spirit of innovation is kept alive. Recruiting new engineers as their market flourishes should be inculcated as the new employees come in, in-training and key company strategies should be instilled in them. Introduction This analysis report on Adam Aircraft Company will mainly dwell on two issues how to waiver competition from established companies in this sector and the challenges that they face as they try to sell their product and new innovation ideas to a market that seems to be resilient to change. The market seems to be inflexible and question new comers who come to the arena. Will the company be able to sell its new innovative ideas because they need the money when it comes to expansion and carrying out research as they invent new products in the aviation industry? The art of selling themselves in market that has lain dormant for more than 3 decades is a major hurdle this report is going to evaluate the market, try to comprehend what the market needs in terms of approach, what kind of problems the industry faces when it comes to a stringent, inflexible, neglected market. (Sheehan 2003) How will they counter the problem of competition in relation to timeliness? They have to invent ways on which they can increase their speed when it comes to the time given to research new findings and the time of implementation of research findings. This is the main factor that will distract their competitor’s stables. How to go about it has to be brought to the light by the basis of finding the strengths and weakness characterized in the sector. Marketing Adam Aircraft Company has a market plan already set in place this is by the fact that it sells its product to the government and private owners. It has specialized in selling of the A700 Models twin engine aircraft and A500 Models thrust twin engine aircraft meaning it has a goal in place.   But how can they increase their market space in order to increase transactions which will alleviate the problems of job cuts brought about by the economic melt down that is being experienced world wide? One market area they should expound in, is the private owners through the charter system. They can make them their biggest customers by approaching and selling their ideas to them. With their A700 Model which can carry an approximate number of three people per trip it can go down well because the charted planes operate like taxis or cabs. Though people would like to travel in charted planes the ability to do so sometimes is unachievable. Hence Adams Aircraft Company should be able to provide affordable rates when it comes to their chattered services. Availability and accessibility of their planes should also be improved. The second market group is the private jet charters, this group can be considered a unique group which brings about specializing the services. People who make up this group consist of entertainers, athletes and celebrities these kinds of people are always on the move and are on tight schedules. Thus they need to have packages that are efficient and reliable. These private planes should be constructed in such way that will enhance privacy, comfort ability and convenience. By making them spacious, by having in built refreshing areas and other essentials that will be needed by this group of people. (Sheehan 2003) The advantage of investing in chartered airplanes is the fact that security details are given full cover. In that the charter company takes full responsibility when disaster strikes like terror attacks. Another advantage posed by private jets is that the customers are exposed to the equipments of the plane thus knowing and gaining full knowledge of the plane thus the eventual buying of the plane. A private charted plane also encourages employees and workers to communicate with each other without much ado of others hearing their work matters. In chartered planes the customers get the advantage of using a wide variety of services offered with different planes for various kinds of operation needed by the customer. This is because small planes have variable speeds and different kinds of equipments installed hence it gives the user an opportunity to experiment with all planes and one day perhaps will buy the best of them all. To reach the clients the company needs to employ various marketing skills such as employing sales personnel, employing direct customer contact and reaching out to other companies that offer the same kind of services to rent the companies planes. To penetrate the market even further Adam Company can develop a soft ware that will enable the market to respond to problems experienced while using its services. This will make the definition of the customers problem to be highlighted and alternative solutions be delivered. The company also should diversify its network to other countries especially developing countries who have the older models kind of planes that tend to have major snarl ups especially when it comes to visibility problems. Due to the high research inn put being put by the company it should find ways of approaching governments of other countries on the advantages of using their highly motivated air planes that have spare parts availability. Adams Aircraft Company can also venture into creating spare parts of old models. Thus this will increases their market share, because of the vacuum created due to the dormant years. It can take the initiatives of inventing more susceptible spare parts that will be used on old models. This initiative will go along away in increasing their capital standings, because it will cover even models that are not of their company. Thus beating their competitors at their own game, taking for instance they will increase their innovativeness when it comes to these said spare parts. This venture will mean more money being pumped in for research purposes but the out right benefits to be found afterwards are of outmost gain. They can take the above measure into two ways, one creating spare parts that are compatible with what they are specializing in that is for A700 planes and A500 planes, here they only need to upgrade the spare parts of other models to be compatible with theirs, this will enhance saving on capital subjected to the project. The second way is creating new spare parts from scratch for the old models. This will mean a lot of research input and capital investment. In conclusion it’s a venture that will increase its market share and pump in more money to the company. Competition Competition is another area of concern. Adam aircraft company should device ways on how to combat competition from their detractors. Adam Company is a new company in this arena compared to pipers, Cessna and Boeing which have rooted their operations world wide.   By taking advantage of their research and innovativeness they can increase their profit margin. But their lean budget tends to restrict them to progressive meaningful steps. This is to imply that timely acts can differentiate between the space of actual innovation and implementation. (Sheehan 2003) Adam aircraft company should pump more money to its research programs this will enhance its innovative programmes. This should be followed by specializing in the manufacturer of light weight jets only. This will mean they will go into research to improve what they already have meaning, not much money will be needed because it’s a continuation of the first process. They will be aiming to improve in efficiency, increase in capacity, and increase speed. By concentrating on a selected set of items more energy is directed to one certain point thus the end product will be a good product that doesn’t waiver because of economic recessions. The time between innovation and making a complete revolution of a product should be decreased with appropriate money set aside for certification process which is quite expensive. Business in mini jets and jets is anticipated by the majority of the population which likes to save time that is usually wasted at the airports and a population that likes to enjoy privacy and convenience thus this factor should motivate Adam Aircraft Company to continue producing its series of light weight jets. (Sheehan 2003) Two specific trends that favor the innovation of jets are as flows: proliferation of fractional ownership programs and the introduction of relatively low cost mini jets. As explained in other paragraphs increased flexibility in trip scheduling has improved by the accessibility of mini jets. Fractional ownership can be defined as the process where by a company buys a fraction of a fleet owned by lets say Adam Aircraft Company. This entitles that particular company to use that fleet at their own convenient time while paying for the services rendered. This includes the use of every kind of aircraft that Adam Company owns in its fleet this is arranged on the basis of the company paying a small fraction of the typical purchase price. This arrangement provides the user with a fixed number of hours that can be used per year. Another more innovative way of practicing the above idea is that of having jet cards program that entails individuals and companies to accesses flight time in 25 hour increments, hence increasing accessibility and lowering the cost than buying into a fractional ownership program. The above area hasn’t been exploited to its limits thus Adam aircraft Company can specialize in it. (Sheehan 2003) Manufacturers of these small jets should be well equipped to serve its clients who are more interested to efficiency and service delivery. The demand of these small airplanes has risen as years go by, Adam Aircraft Company should innovate smaller piston engines that can impact high altitude air space and air space around major metropolitan areas. It is expected by 2015 the growth and idea of plane taxi would have spiraled to up to 20% this should be factor on which Adam aircraft company should rely on to beat its competitors. The main cause of the two problems that is market penetration and competition can be attributed to one, a market that has lain dormant for over thirty years without the introduction of new products. The market was used to having models made in the sixties and seventies whose wiring systems and engines had been elapsed by time and technology, though they had adapted fine to its defects. The entry to this sector of manufacturing small jets and planes needs a lot of money for starters and incase of lack of time management a good innovation can be elapsed by occurring events leading to innovation of a product being back scheduled. A company needs a team of experienced engineers who are able to innovate better, efficient and faster planes compared to the planes made in the seventies. Security and safety measures should also be taken for consideration. (Sheehan 2003) The second problem of competition arises by the fact that in this field there are large companies that have been in the playing field for ages. For example large companies such as Boeing and Cessna have a large market and capital base thus for a company like Adam aircraft company to weaver that competition it needs to strategies its services and production levels. Adam Aircraft Company needs to increase their capital base in order to increase their competitive rates, by this they can materialize on specialization, increase innovation, increase and expand their delivery boundaries by involving charter companies. Conclusion For a successful company to affect its course it has to have a strategy that is well organized. In our case study the Adam Aircraft Company has that; it has specialized in an area that is perceived by many in the aviation sector as minor. But times are changing and the mode of having taxis and cabs on road will invade the air space and soon this industry of light weight jets will pronounce its vastness. As other big players continue to ignore the fertile grounds that small jets offer if innovation is instilled, their sector of heavy planes will be adversely affected by the competition it will experience in coming years. As more people venture for efficiency, more personalized services, and privacy that only the small jets and planes can offer. It is by the above fact that Adam aircraft company should take the pioneering role of establishing a company that will dully specialize in creating jets that have increased efficiency. By now their might be a negligent growth when it comes to usage of light weight jet but as civilization takes its course and sophistication improves the market will flourish for this kind of business.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Money and Banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Money and Banking - Essay Example This is because the financial crisis has deeper roots. The global credit crunch has been traced by economists and media pundits to be caused by the sub prime mortgage crisis which has disrupted the US financial system, which effect has impacted many of the advanced economies of the world. According to the article, the ‘financialization’ of the US economy by speculative activities in order to hoard capital is the major reason for the global crisis—where the economy has overcapacity of capital but no increase in production in order to back it up. In order to understand it better, the authors have linked first the global financial crisis to the subsequent events that has appeared which may have been the trigger, but not the sole cause of it. While according to the article, this financialization process which is caused by speculation of capital increased the supply of capital in the economy, and not because of faster growth of production may have taken place a couple of decades ago, the trigger has occurred when asset bubbles appeared and the Fed has started ‘to make preemptive attacks.’ The trigger starts back after the 2000 stock market crash. According to the article, there are several policies which aimed to prevent â€Å"economic catastrophes† from happening. When the housing bubble occurred in 2006 at the same time interest rates are increased by Fed in order to regulate inflation, the housing sector as well as mortgage-backed securities faced a meltdown. This has been the start of the chain of events that lead to the global financial crisis. However, according to the authors, Fed’s efforts in order to address the crisis by bailing out several financial institutions will result in the effect that it aims to promote because the problem lies in a much deeper issue. While many economists and media pundits trace back the

What is Knowledge Empirical And Logical Reasons Why I Believe That My Essay

What is Knowledge Empirical And Logical Reasons Why I Believe That My Mother Loves Me - Essay Example Thus, knowledge is described as the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. The difference between the two concepts is quite obvious but it requires a deeper insight to notice it. Cline (2003) believes that knowledge is mainly based on empiricism, which is, knowledge that comes from experiencing the physical world as well reason which is knowledge that comes from logic. Both concepts are applicable in as far as the concept of knowledge is concerned. As such, this paper is going to reflect on my personal understanding of the concept of knowledge. The paper mainly draws from my personal experience I have gained from my mother whom I believe loves me so much. The paper will outline three empirical reasons as well as three logical reasons why I believe that my mother loves me. I strongly believe that my mother loves me because she always shows concern about my life. My mother always tells me to be careful to avoid hurting myself. From a very tender age, my mother would tell me to avoid playing with certain things since I could get injured from that practice. For instance, she would tell me to avoid playing with sharp objects or fire since I could be injured. ... Indeed, I have witnessed some of these changes and that did not surprise me since I had already gained valuable knowledge about such things from my mother. A person who tells you the truth about different aspects of life shows that he or she loves you. The other reason why I believe that my mother loves me is that she is always there for me and she shows this affection which has helped to form a strong bond between the two of us. Different philosophical studies have shown that the closeness between the child and the mother is very important for the social, emotional and psychological growth of the child. I can safely say that my mother has been my mentor, provider and companion whom I feel very free to confide in. I can discuss any subject of concern to me with my mother and I feel very free to open up my views and opinions to my mother. She is also accommodative to my views and this is the reason why I believe that she loves me. There are different logical reasons that make me belie ve that my mother loves me. For instance, she always emphasises on the aspect of social behaviour. She told me that it is important to socialise with others in a positive manner in order to gain their respect and recognition in society. The power of logic comes into play in this case where an individual is compelled to behave in a certain manner in order to fit in well in the society. By virtue of using logical reasoning, I have realised that you can make many friends who can give you meaningful advice in society. It is also easy to gain other people’s respect if one uses logical reasoning that is based on mutual understanding. We have different perceptions about the world around us so I have realised that it is important to accommodate

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Beethoven Hearing Loss May Have Shaped Transition in His Musical Essay

Beethoven Hearing Loss May Have Shaped Transition in His Musical Styles - Essay Example His works are different than any of the previous composers of his time via the formation of extended, architectonic, large forms differentiated by the exclusive development of motifs, themes, and musical materials, particularly by way of â€Å"modulation†, that is, an alteration in the sensation of home key, via a diversification of harmonic or keys regions. A great musician, an expert of almost anything, Beethoven composed thirty two sonatas in only just the years between 1792 and 1822. This time period was a time when Classical period was moving towards Romantic period. Beethoven’s music paralleled the concurrent development of the new idea in the literature, a form of literary emphasized on the expansion of one or more individuals through complicated circumstances of life, and of the contemporary nature of the idealism of Germans’ philosophy, spirit, mind that unfolds via an intricate procedure of challenges between the objective and subjective up till a synth esis or resolution happens in the scenario when all of these challenges and expansion phases have been included in a advanced harmony. (Mann, 2011) He was sent by his instructor to Vienna where he took lessons from Mozart. Mozart was an inspirer of Beethoven’s talent and abilities. ... There are three periods of his life: the first Vienna period (1792-1802), the middle period from 1802 to 1814, and the last period which was after 1815 until his death in 1827. Each period depicts a diverse musical style which was profoundly affected by his hearing disabilities, a study proclaims. Even though later works of Haydn reflected a superior variability between remote keys. The innovation of Beethoven was his capability to refurbish a solidity in contrasting varying keys and unanticipated noted to unite them. This explicit extension of realm of harmonic music makes a sense of experiential and vast musical space via the moves of music, and the expansion of materials of music makes a sense of restating drama in this room. (Mann, 2011) According to a research in British Medical Journal, there is dissimilarity between the music from the early life of Beethoven to the period when his hearing loss began in 1801 to the time period when he became completely deaf in 1825. The study w as made by a team of researchers at Amsterdam University in Netherlands on use of high notes in Beethoven’s composing career. The piano sonatas, which were composed by Beethoven in the period of transition from the Classic time period to Romantic (heroic) time period to Creative era, comprises of the elements of music that Beethoven took from his predecessors and shaped it in a genuinely novel form. Still, those sonatas evidently depicted the transition in his style of music and life, and this music of Beethoven became the antecedent to many of the great composers after his time and to current age. Beethoven is well known for most of his famous works which include the Emperor Concerto, Fifth symphony, the Eroica, his only one opera Fidelio, and Pastoral

Friday, July 26, 2019

Management of Software Projects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management of Software Projects - Essay Example This observation has prompted the senior management to identify and recognize the significance of the functions of marketing in order to enhance the achievement of defined objectives. Accordingly, it has also been acknowledged that the establishment of a comprehensive website to serve the purpose of providing basic functionality is required at this stage. Thus, the purpose of this report is to assess, examine and evaluate the web usability and functionality of the project by analyzing the set criterion and how the proposed website delivers full conformance to the industry wide standards of web usability. The formulation of the report follows a systematic format which outlines the guidelines of web usability and demonstrates how the proposed website meets these standards. The concluding discussion of the report adopts a proof-of-concept approach by providing pertinent recommendations regarding the implementation of cost-effective web hosting techniques and the execution of effective m aintenance solutions. 2. Overview of Web Usability Criteria Web usability criteria and guidelines that are utilized extensively throughout the industry do not necessarily represent a conflicting approach with regards to their principles and foundations. However, the complexity of these standards postulates that each web usability criteria is distinct in respective areas and also demonstrates certain capabilities that may not be present in an alternative solution. The scope of this paper focuses on the ISO DIS 9241-151 criteria in addition with JISC guidelines. While, the former represents the international standards for web usability, the latter is adopted during the establishment of academic websites in the UK (Bevan 2005). Moreover, the report also provides reference to the HHS guidelines which are regarded as one of the most comprehensive sources in the field. As noted by Bevan (2005), the standards provided by the HHS guidelines and ISO DIS 9241-151 demonstrate an agreement with regards to certain standards. Consequently, 49 standards that have been highlighted in the JISC are similar to the HHS guidelines (Bevan 2005). The primary standards to which a website must comply can be categorized as: the process of design and evaluation, the optimization of the user’s web experience, ability to access desired, data, content and information, observations related to software and hardware requirements, development of the homepage, establishment of a page layout, provision of navigation options, font of headings, links and other titles, creation of links, lists and other controls, the integration of graphics and relevant media sources, standards and organization of web content and search options (Bevan 2005). It should be noted that the key objective behind the creation of the website is to offer a comprehensive online tool to the potential audience of the commercial management courses that are being offered by Management Training (NMT). Therefore, it is impo rtant that the website rigorously follows and meets the selected criterions to provide basic functionality to the users. Accordingly, the academic nature of the website has made the compliance with JISC guidelines a fundamental requirement. The additional standards that are recommended by JISC are essentially related to the enhancement of the search options, including search results that operate in a similar manner to that of Google and the location of search boxes (Bevan 2005). Mor

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Painting of Jackson Pollock Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Painting of Jackson Pollock - Essay Example A new, interactive and creative activity catches my attention for nearly a half an hour. Finally I give up and sink deep into the exciting world of colors, dots, lines and circles. Think and thin, short and long, bright and dull†¦ These colorful shapes are seducing the mind by the opportunity of becoming expressive, independent and original for at lest a few fun moments.Thought the first impression is that the activity of painting on the computer is just another entertaining experience, a second look makes me realize how cool our age is – the age of advanced technologies that allow any average individual to become, for at least some minutes, an artist. It’s so strange – a seemingly simple computer application makes the tired brain think of such great things as world progress, global development and even the essence of being. Dots – large and small, lines – straight and wavy, shapes†¦ And an inexpressible joy of creation.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mortality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Mortality - Essay Example Mortality affects humans only when alive and upon losing an acquaintance, partner, or family member. Mortality is the darkest concept a human can contemplate. Humans go to great lengths to avoid their mortality. Countless searches for objects to prolong an individual’s life such as the Fountain of Youth, the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, and other objects that will allow a human’s immortality. â€Å"Epic of Gilgamesh† tells of Gilgamesh’s effort to stay awake or walking on the bottom of the sea in order to obtain immortality. If Gilgamesh part God is searching for immortality, then mere mortals searching is understandable. Humans are willing to pay for immortality. Twilight, Highlander, and other immortal creatures lose something for their immortality. Vampires must walk in the dark with an undying thirst for blood. The Immortals of Highlander must constantly battle other Immortals and live longer than the humans they loved. Still most humans think they want immortality despite the cost. One of the pros of mortality is a short lifespan. For an example, many individuals want more life. Imagine the possibilities of men like Bill Gates, Martin Luther King, Socrates, Alexander the Great, Abraham Lincoln along with many others if they had lived an immortal life. The possibilities would be endless. The pain at losing individuals like the ones above and other important people is another con of mortality. The hurt of a loved one dying is strong. The heartbroken often want to die in order to be with a loved. The dead are not concerned anymore. A short life and pain during times of death are cons of mortality. Illness and pain are another pro of mortality. Enkidu languished from an illness in pain for awhile before expiring. A cancer patient, mentally ill individual locked away, or anyone else with a painful disease prays for death upon a daily basis. Mortality is an escape from the pain of their failing bodies.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

If all the links in the Internet were to provide reliable delivry Essay

If all the links in the Internet were to provide reliable delivry service, would the TCP reliable delivery service be redundant, - Essay Example 2007). For instance, if workstation 1 is downloading a file from Workstation 2, after receiving a data packet, computer 2 sends an acknowledgement for receiving a packet to workstation 1. However, if workstation 1 do not receives an acknowledgement from workstation 2, TCP regenerates the packet again and send it to Workstation 2. In this way, the transmission is reliable and data is transmitted an in efficient manner. In a real world scenario, an executable file that is downloaded from the Internet must be complete in size in order to be operational and TCP is up for this task. Whereas, if any chunk of the executable file fails to download, it will not work and become corrupted. Whereas, User Datagram Protocol (UDP) a connection less protocol that is operational on a layer 4 of the OSI model. Likewise, UDP is not a reliable protocol for data transmission that supports transaction oriented services (User Datagram Protocol. 2007). However, UDP can be advantageous for application such a s live video streaming, VoIP services etc. likewise, if any frame is missed from a video, the video will still carry on resulting in high availability. Moreover, the response of UDP is faster, as no acknowledgment is made for every packet. Many of the functions of an adapter can be performed in software that runs on the node’s CPU. What are advantages and disadvantages of moving this functionality from the adapter to the node? As shown in fig 1.1, data link layer pertaining to the sender is responsible for hardware encapsulation. However, the source end is responsible for hardware valuation. Similarly, network layer pertaining to the sender is responsible for performing Network address translation (NAT). NAT is a method of mapping IP addresses from one group of users to another, at the same time ensuring transparency. Likewise, NAT is also used for privacy issues i.e. it cannot be used from the outbound network for security purposes (Network Address Translation. 2007). Moreov er, the receiver’s end on the network layer ensures network valuation, as shown in Fig 1.1. Moreover, the transport layer of both the sender and receiver’s end conducts port encapsulation and port valuation. Furthermore, session layer is responsible for establishing and terminating data sessions, followed by the presentation layer that ensures data compression and sequencing for both the sender’s and receiver’s end. However, there is a visible communication between the smallest program generating sequence and the amount of compression achieved (Sayood 2005) lastly, the presentation layer network interaction. Figure 1.1 A primary disadvantage comprises of computing a datagram from the application layer that relies on resources pertaining to central processing unit and memory integrated in a dedicated hardware i.e. Ethernet Adapter. However, an advantage would be to get more control of an application interacting with users that will work with dedicated hard ware resulting in a complex task. Moreover, software approach is more efficient for upgrading technology, as hardware upgrades only require a hardware replacement. Likewise, new hardware upgrades provide adequate abstraction for ensuring user protection. As illustrated in Fig 1.1, software based deployments require a large amount of metadata to analyze the requirements. As network access layer enforces overheads

Term “integrity” Essay Example for Free

Term â€Å"integrity† Essay Integrity It is necessary to outline that the term â€Å"integrity† is considered polysemantic meaning it is provided with lots of meanings. Integrity is the most important terms used in virtue ethics, for example. Integrity is used in the scientific and technological fields. Therefore, this term is often puzzling and perplexing. Sometimes people use integrity as a synonym to â€Å"moral† trying to distinguish that person is acting with integrity. However, researchers noted that people of integrity may act immorally, even if they are unaware of their immoral actions. Thus it is necessary to say that a person may be of integrity even if he holds importantly mistaken perspectives on ethics and morality. Firstly, integrity is defined a quality of a person’s character. Then people thinking of integrity of wilderness region or ecosystem, art forms, computerized database, etc. Integrity is applied mostly to the objects and it suggests purity, intactness and wholeness of an object. These meanings are often applied to people. Speaking about regions, integrity means that a region isn’t corrupted by side-effects of development and its advance. Region of integrity suggests wilderness and uncorrupted or virgin. In computer science, integrity means that computer database is able to maintain power and resist to errors, integrity of defense systems suggests that system isn’t breached. In music, for example, musical work has integrity if its musical structure is provided with completeness which is coordinated and has related music ideas. Simply saying integrity in music means that music piece is whole, intact and pure. Integrity is found in many aspects of human’s life. For example, there are ideas of intellectual, professional and artistic integrity. Nevertheless, integrity has found its application mostly in philosophy meaning human’s general character. As it is noted â€Å"philosophers have been particularly concerned to understand what it is for a person to exhibit integrity throughout life†. In philosophy, when a person acts with integrity on a particular occasion it means that integrity is explained as broader feature of person’ character. There is a claim that person should possess integrity. Ordinary discourse about integrity involves two fundamental intuitions: first, that integrity is primarily a formal relation one has to oneself, or between parts or aspects of ones self; and second, that integrity is connected in an important way to acting morally, in other words, there are some substantive or normative constraints on what it is to act with integrity. How these two intuitions can be incorporated into a consistent theory of integrity is not obvious, and most accounts of integrity tend to focus on one of these intuitions to the detriment of the other. Integrity is a matter of persons integrating various parts of their personality into a harmonious, intact whole. Understood in this way, the integrity of persons is analogous to the integrity of things: integrity is primarily a matter of keeping the self intact and uncorrupted. A related approach to integrity is to think of it primarily in terms of a persons holding steadfastly true to their commitments, rather than ordering and endorsing desires. â€Å"Commitment† is used as a broad umbrella term covering many different kinds of intentions, promises, convictions and relationships of trust and expectation. One may be, and usually is, committed in many different ways to many different kinds of thing: people, institutions, traditions, causes, ideals, principles, projects, and so on. The self-integration and identity views of integrity see it as primarily a personal virtue: a quality defined by a persons care of the self. Persons of integrity treat their own endorsements as ones that matter, or ought to matter, to fellow deliberators. Calhouns account of integrity promises to explain why it is that the fanatic lacks integrity. It seems intuitively very plausible to distinguish between fanatical zeal and integrity, but the self-integration and identity views of integrity threaten to make the fanatic a paradigm case of a person of integrity. References Graham, Jody L. (2001). Does Integrity Require Moral Goodness? Ratio 14, 2, 234-251. Harcourt, Edward (1998). Integrity, Practical Deliberation and Utilitarianism. Philosophical Quarterly, 48, 189-198. Herbert, Mark R. (2002). Integrity, Identity and Fanaticism. Contemporary Philosophy 24, 25-29.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Strategic Management Essay Example for Free

Strategic Management Essay Toyota Motor Corporation is a famous Japanese multinational corporation, and is considered the world’s second largest automaker of automobiles, trucks, buses, robots, and providing financial services. When Toyota and other Japanese carmakers entered the American market, they were not considered as a threat to the American auto industry because it was believed their cars had no appeal to American consumers However, in the 1970s, due to several problems like environmental regulations, and quality control issues with American cars, a good number of American car owners began searching for alternatives to poorly made American cars. In response to these changes, Toyota and other Japanese carmakers aggressively marketed their cars to Americans as being fuel-efficient, environmentally friendly, and having better build quality than American cars. In addition, Toyota marketed their cars with commercials involving young Toyota drivers jumping in the air. As a result, the Japanese’s marketing campaign along with continuing problems from the Big Three auto manufacturers, allowed import cars to make up about 20 percent of the US car market by 1980. Stage1. General Motors, Ford and Daimler-Chrysler focused in the late 1990s on mergers and acquisitions for improving their business positions to meet future challenges. Toyota, meanwhile, centered its business strategy on technological innovation and persistent environmental product development. The price of oil was not especially high during the 1990s when Toyota started its hybrid car program. Oil prices were below US $20 barrel in 1994 and were to fall to a 50-year low around 1997 when the Toyota Prius was first sold in Japan. Clearly something else was driving Toyota and other Japanese companies to invest so heavily in hybrid car development. There are three probable reasons: 1 . High petrol taxes in Japan, due to the Japanese government wanting to reduce the dependence of Japan on imported oil. While this would have certainly driven the Japanese development of hybrid cars, petrol was cheap in the key US market at this time. 2) The potential to gain a market advantage by developing the key technologies required to successfully commercialize hybrid cars, and then owning these developments via patents. 3) The expectation that ownership of these key fuel savings technologies would become very valuable when world oil prices rise from the lows of the mid-1990s, which was a fair long-term assumption to make during this period. Stage2: Decision Making Process: In 1994, the executive team acknowledged the potential threat of depleting oil reserves and climate change and change their strategy or products to meet the needs of future customers. Course of Action: Toyota set up a group tasked with meeting the challenge of creating a vehicle for the 21st century, which would work within the parameters of natural resource constraints and environmental issues. Commitment to course of action: Toyota pioneered the concept of Hybrid (petrol/electric) technology to mass produce the world’s first eco-efficient vehicle, the Toyota Prius. Evaluation of decision/re-engineering: The first prototype of the car had even faced starting problem. It took almost six months to roll the car. Finally, when the car started, it moved for a few yards only. It was hard to imagine that Toyota, which was known for its efficient production systems, was facing such trouble. Initially it felt that ‘Prius’ was a case of technological problems, impossible demands and multiple miscalculations. It proved how a great company could overcome obstacles and turn a dream into reality. Though ‘Prius’ represented only a small fraction of the nine million cars and trucks that the Japanese company planned to produce in 2006, it would be the first vehicle to provide a serious alternative to internal combustion engines, designed for a world of scarce oil and was branded as ‘The car for the future’. Stage3: Toyota carefully studied the US market and sees there is a growing oil crisis and foresees a need for change in the structure for cars, converting their needs to oil saving cars. While American car manufactures lacked producing such cars, then Toyota caught that opportunity and tried to occupy this niche market. By 2002, it was being sold in North America, Japan, Europe, Hong Kong, Australia and Singapore. Analysts opined that the demand for hybrid cars would rise because of the unstable oil prices and the growing need for environment friendly products. Post Evaluation By examining the external environment and acknowledging the potential threats of depleting resources and increased concern over environmental issues, Toyota have turned a threat into a business opportunity, boosting their reputation both as an environmentally conscious and as technological innovators and established themselves as leaders in this growing market. The car industry faces many complex issues, but the introduction of the Prius provided Toyota with a competitive advantage. RoadMap to the development Process of Toyota Prius. Stage1| Stage2| Stage3| Executive level| 1 Expressed concern about the future of the automobile2. Embarked a new project called G21 to the team3. Communicated the vision and priorities to the team| 1. The executive team acknowledged the potential threat of depleting oil2. Challenged the team for the innovation of new model using new technology| 1. Toyota unveiled the Prius in Japan in October 1997, two months ahead of schedule. 2. Made strategy plans for introducing cars to US and other prospective continents| Management and Team level| 1. Engaged in improving the existing internal combustion engine technology2. Started making refinements to the existing technology | 1. Team committed to the course of action using hybrid technology. 2. Came up with around 80 alternatives. 3. Identified numerous problems heat, reliability, noise, and cost. 4. Narrowed the list to four models. 5. After endless fussing and tweaking, the team finally reached 66 miles per gallon the 100% mileage improvement. | 1. Team has started putting efforts towards with second and third generation Prius. 2. Redesigned the model for making it more appealing to the consumers. | Marketing /Sales Team| 1. Identification of the growing oil prices. 2. Identification of Growing middle class around the world. | 1. Raised the concern that Premium price for the hybrid would make it impossible to sell. 2. Challenged with building consumer technology awareness. | 1. Devised new marketing ways to cut down dealership costs in US. 2. Devised new ways to boost the sales through internet, relied on grass-roots marketing, and public relations events|.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Chitin: Applications, Composition and Properties

Chitin: Applications, Composition and Properties 1. Introduction Chitin, poly (b-(1-4)-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine), is a natural polysaccharide of major importance. It was first discovered by Braconnot (1811), a professor of natural history. He isolated chitin from mushrooms by treating it with warm alkali. Later Odier (1823)ÂÂ  found chitin while studying beetle cuticles and named chitin after Greek word chiton (tunic, envelope). The silk worm was also discovered as a source of chitin when Lassaigne (1843) isolated it from the Bombyx mori. The monomeric unit of chitin (N-acetyl glucosamine) became known because of the work of Ledderhose in 1878. In the first half of the twentieth century, research on chitin was mostly directed toward the study of its occurrence in living organisms. Finally in 1981 Austin and his coworkers came up with a completed data on the sources of chitin which is widely distributed in marine invertebrates (Figure 1), insects, fungi, and yeast (1981). However, chitin is not present in higher plants and higher animals. Genera lly, the shell of selected crustacean was reported by Knorr (1984) to consist of 30-40% protein, 30-50% calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate, and 20-30% chitin. Chitin is widely available from a variety of source among which, the principal source is shellfish waste such as shrimps, crabs, and crawfish (Allan et al., 1979). It also exists naturally in a few species of fungi. Chitin occurs in nature as ordered crystalline microfibrils forming structural components in the exoskeleton of arthropods or in the cell walls of fungi and yeast. It is also produced by a number of other living organisms in the lower plant and animal kingdoms, serving in many functions where reinforcement and strength are required. (Rinaudo, 2006). The structure of chitin has been described (Fig. 1). In terms of its structure, chitin is associated with proteins and, therefore, high in protein contents. Chitin fibrils are embedded in a matrix of calcium carbonate and protein. The matrix is proteinaceous, where the protein is hardened by a tanning process (Muzzarrelli, 1977). Studies of Ashford et al., (1977) demonstrated that chitin represents 14-27% and 13-15% of the dry weight of shrimp and crab processing wastes, respectively. 2.2. Characteristics and Structure of Chitin Chitin is made up of highly extended hydrogen bonded chain and is semi-crystalline in structure of chitin [Rinaudo (2006) Kurita (2001)]. Chitin is a structural biopolymer, which has a role analogous to that of collagen in the higher animals and cellulose in terrestrial plants [Muzzarelli, (1977) Mayer, (1996)]. Plants produce cellulose in their cell walls and insects and crustaceans produce chitin in their shells (Muzzarelli, 1986). Cellulose and chitin are, thus, two important and structurally related polysaccharides that provide structural integrity and protection to plants and animals, respectively [Muzzarelli (1986) and Roberts (1992)]. Chitin occurs in nature as ordered crystalline microfibrils forming structural components in the exoskeleton of arthropods or in the cell walls of fungi and yeast (Raabe 2007). In crustaceans, Chitin polymers tend to form rod like fibrils or crystallites that are balanced by hydrogen bonds formed between the amine and carbonyl groups. X-ray diffraction analysis suggests that chitin is a polymorphic substance that occurs in three different crystalline modifications, termed ÃŽÂ ±, ß and ÃŽÂ ³ chitin. They mainly differ in the degree of hydration, in the size of the unit cell and in the number of chitin chains per unit cell [Rudall and Kenchington, (1973) Kramer and Koga, (1986)]. In the ÃŽÂ ± form, all chains exhibit an anti-parallel orientation; in the ß form the chains are arranged in a parallel manner; in the ÃŽÂ ³ form sets of two parallel strands alternate with single anti-parallel strands. Chitin is found to occur as fibrous material embedded in a six stranded protein helix [, 2006]. The polymorphic forms of chitin differ in the packing and polarities of adjacent chains in successive sheets; in the termed ÃŽÂ ± form, all chains are aligned in a parallel manner, which is not the case in ß form and ÃŽÂ ³ chitin. The molecular order of chitin depends on the ph ysiological role and tissue characteristics. In both structures, the chitin chains are organized in sheets where they are tightly held by a number of intra-sheet hydrogen bonds with the ß- and ÃŽÂ ³ chains packed in antiparallel arrangements Rinaudo. (2008). 2.3. Biodegradation of tiger prawn shell by Lactic acid fermentation for extraction of Chitin Every year tones of sea food waste is dumped onto the shores of the sea and lagoons or in the inner mangrove area surrounding the sea for these are the regions where maximum sea food cultivation is done. These areas are the hub of number of small and large scale seafood industries which deal with culturing and processing of seafood. This huge amount of sea food waste is polluting the surrounding land and water and is depleting the fresh water supply. Dumping of Seafood waste leads to accumulation of sediments causing organic pollution which causes physical disturbance of hydrological regimes resulting in a number of ecological problems which include conversion and degradation of costal ecosystem. ( Mathew and Nair, 2006) The demineralization of crustacean shells have been chemically performed using concentrated acids such as HCl (Whistler et al., 1962), H2SO4 (Peniston and Johnson, 1978), CH3COOH (Bautisa et al., 2000) and HCOOH (Horowitz et al., 1957) by various researchers. However, the chemical methods are expensive and detrimental to the environment leading to effluent problems [Shirai (2001) and Fagberno (1996)]. The Traditional method of chitin preparation from crustacean waste involving the use of alkalis and acids for demineralization, make the method ecologically harsh and a cause of pollution (Rao et al., 2000) It also reduces the chitin quality to certain extent (Simpson et al. 1994; Healy et al., 1994) mostly such processes depolymerising chitin to a higher extent leading to the formation of a deacetylated form of chitin called chitosan. Biotechnological process of lactic acid fermentation of crustacean shell waste is a powerful tool to overcome the environmental problems. Fermentation of crustacean shells using lactic acid bacteria is also an attractive method which lowers the pH of the medium and facilitates the demineralization of minerals and the hydrolysis of proteins while leaving the associated chitin intact. Thus this process also helps in a safe recovery of chitin as the fermented residue. Also, fermentation of crustacean bio waste to recover chitin considerably replaces the expensive and non environmentally friendly chemical process [ Rao et al., (2000), Shirai et al., (2001) and Hall et al., (1992) ]. Lactic acid bacterial fermentation of shrimp waste for chitin recovery was studied with lactose or cassava extract as additional sources of carbohydrate for natural energy (Hall and Silva 1992). Raw heads of Africa river prawn were fermented with Lactobacillus plantarum using cane molasses (Fagbenro 1996). Treatment of minced waste of scampi in the presence of glucose by a culture of Lactobacillus paracasei strain A3 was investigated (Zakaria et al. 1998). The primary object of all these studies was demineralization of the raw materials along with which deproteinisation took place (Shirai et al. 2001). The effectiveness of demineralization was exaggerated by the increasing inoculum amounts supplied. Also, the proportion of glucose was significant for the lactic acid fermentation by the bacterial strain to demineralize the shell wastes (Shirai et al. 2001 and Rao et al. 2002). The demineralized and deproteinized chitin has a light pink color due to the presence of astaxanthin pigment. When bleached product is desired, this pigment can be eliminated by the decolorization using bleaching agents. The resulting chitin is insoluble in most organic solvents; however, its deacetylated derivative chitosan is soluble in some acids. The subsequent conversion of chitin to chitosan is generally achieved by treatment with concentrated sodium hydroxide solution (40-50%) at 100Â °C or higher for 30 minutes to remove some or all of the acetyl groups from the polymer (No and Meyers, 1995). Lactic acid bacterial fermentation for demineralization has also been occasionally reported for shrimp waste (Shirai et al. 2001) crayfish exoskeleton (Bautista et al. 2001) and scampi waste (Zakaria et al. 1998). However, demineralization by lactic acid fermentation of tiger prawn shell waste along with the characterization of the resulting chitin has been less studied in relation to glucose concentration and inoculum amount. In the present work, we evaluated the demineralization of tiger prawn shell waste by lactic acid bacterial fermentation with various concentrations of inoculum and glucose and characterize the fermented residue the chitin by powerful techniques such as X-Ray diffraction, FTIR, SEM and TGA. From the literature it is evident that the limitations of the chemical method for the degradation of sea food can be largely overcome by the biological method of demineralization and hence research interest has been shown in recent years in this direction. Lactic acid fermentation of crustaceans shell waste has been reported to be studied as a potential biological method of degradation (P Mathew and KGR. Nair, 2006) 2.4. Factors Affecting Production of Chitin by Lactic Acid Fermentation 2.4.1. Effect of Initial Glucose Concentration and Inoculation Level of Lactic Acid Bacteria on Tiger Prawn Shell Waste Fermentation Amount of starter culture and initial glucose concentration are critical factors in the fermentation of tiger prawn shell waste fermentation. A correct proportion of initial glucose and starter culture concentrations increase the amount of lactic acid produced and thus increased the % demineralization. Glucose is a readily fermentable sugar and hence chosen as the source of carbon for the microbes in most of the studies. Glucose concentration is a highly important parameter of fermentation and hence chitin production. According to Jung et al. (2004) Microbial growth and hence acidification of the broth during fermentation is highly dependent on glucose concentration. Lactobacillus sp. has the potential to produce lactic acid and other organic acids. Using organic acids such as lactic and/or acetic acids for the demineralization process is a promising idea since organic acids in order to produce low cost biomass, purified chitin and reduce the harmful to the environment (Jung et al., 2005,Rao et al., 2000, Sunita et al.,2009). According to Hong et al. (1999) the production of organic acids by the lactic acid bacterium L. plantarum decreased the pH and made the environment selective against spoilage microorganisms. Zakaria et al. (1998) had also reported that the decaying of the raw crustacean waste materials can be controlled through the selection of microorganisms having a high capacity to produce organic acids. Further Shirai et al. (2001) reported that the selection of the correct micro organism is an important factor for the acidification of crab shell waste and for suppressing the growth of spoilage organisms. Cira et al., (2002) reported that lactic acid bacteria fermentation with the 10% inoculums was helpful in attaining a pH of around pH 5 after day 3. On the other hand it was reported by Shirai et al. (2001) that lactic acid fermentation of shrimp wastes which contained 10% glucose and a 5% inoculum of Latobacillus sp. B2 lowered from to pH 4.5. Therefore medium pH likely depends on the content of the energy source such as glucose and sucrose and the other factor least considered but of great importance is the solid to liquid ratio. Lower the solid to liquid ratio higher is the rate of demineralization. As the solid concentration increases the concentration of slurry increases resulting in reduced mass transfer and hence poor demineralization occurs. (Kyung. et al., 2008). The selection of the potential microbe along with the correct proportion of the additional starter is very important for the lactic acid bacterial fermentation to demineralize the raw shell wastes (Shirai et al. 200 1; Rao et al. 2002) along with the correct propotion of solid to liquid ratio ( 2008). 2.4.2. Temperature of Fermentation Application of microorganisms or enzymes to extract chitin from marine crustacean wastes is a current research trend for bio-conversion of wastes into useful biomass (Bhaskar et al., 2006). From his study he analyzed that a temperature of 35ÂÂ °C resulted in lowest pH conditions of pH 3.7 and highest % demineralization of about 92%. Kyung et al., (2008) reported that a temperature of 30ÂÂ °C gave the highest % demineralizatuion. 2.4.3. Particle Size Particle size in chitin productions has sparked controversial reports on its effect on chitin quality. Some agree that small particle size is better than large particle size. According to Bough et al. (1978), smaller particle size (1mm) results in higher demineralization % with a chitin product of both higher viscosity and molecular weight than that of larger particle size (above 2 to 6.4 mm). The larger particle sizes require longer swelling time resulting in a slower deacetylation rate. 2.5. Process Optimization by Taguchi Taguchi method of production optimization is a purely statistical approach to analyze scientific data based on statistical factorials. Taguchi experimental design offers remarkable advantages by examining a group of factors simultaneously and extracting as much quantitative information as can be extracted with a few experimental trials [Stone and Veevers, (1994) and Houng et al., 2006]. But yet only a few reports are available on the application of Taguchis method in the field of biotechnology (Cobb and Clarkson, 1994 and Han et al., 1998). 2.6. Characterization and Physiochemical study of Chitin 2.6.1. X-Ray Diffraction Analysis The crystalline structures of chitin are differently presented according to the raw materials. XRD is low cost and user friendly method to accurately characterize the kind of chitin extracted from a particular species. Chitin has three different crystalline polymorphic forms according to the derived material ÃŽÂ ± chitin, ÃŽÂ ² chitin, and ÃŽÂ ³ chitin. The structures of the ÃŽÂ ± and ÃŽÂ ² forms differ only in that the piles of chains are arranged alternately antiparallel in ÃŽÂ ± chitin, whereas they are all parallel in ÃŽÂ ² chitin. The structures of ÃŽÂ ± chitin, ÃŽÂ ² chitin, Sugiyama et al., (1999) and Syed et al., 1999; have been determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). According to the crystalline structure of chitin suggested by Rudall (1963) and (1967.) ÃŽÂ ± chitin has strong intersheet and intrasheet hydrogen bonding,and ÃŽÂ ² chitin chitin has weak hydrogen bonding by intrasheets. Therefore, in contrast to ÃŽÂ ± chitin, ÃŽÂ ² chitin i s characterized by a weak intermolecular force, Lee et al., 1996. Not much information is available regarding the crystalline study of ÃŽÂ ³ chitin by X ray diffraction technique. The XRD profiles of chitin samples easily help to distinguish the different forms of chitin based on the peaks and crystallinity. It has been found that ÃŽÂ ± chitin has three to four sharp crystalline reflections at 9.6, 19.6, 21.1, and 23.7ÂÂ ° whereas ÃŽÂ ² chitin , has two broad crystalline reflections at 9.1 and 20.3ÂÂ ° within the 2ÃŽÂ ¸ range of 5-35ÂÂ °. These results also support that the crystallinity of ÃŽÂ ² chitin is less than that of ÃŽÂ ± chitin because of the parallel structure. ÃŽÂ ± chitin has a more rigid crystalline structure because of its intersheets and intrasheets, and its structure exists as a stable structure with neither a crystalline phase transition nor thermal decomposition ( Jang et al., 2004). 2.6.2. FTIR Spectrophotometer Measurements Different methods have been used for the purpose of measuring the degree of deacetylation of chitin for eg. the linear potentiometric titration, ninhydrin test, hydrogen bromide titrimetry, near-infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, and first derivative UV-spectrophotometry. Among all the tests stated above FTIR is one of the potential methods to determine the degree of deacetylation of the sample. It is far easier yet highly sensitive compared to the other processes. The process of removal of acetyl groups from the molecular chain of chitin is called deacetylation, it leaves behind a high degree chemical reactive amino group (-NH2). Thus the physicochemical properties of chitin highly depend on the degree of deacetylation (DD) hence it determines its appropriate applications. (Khan et al., 2002) Degree of deeacetylation also affects the biodegradability and immunological activity (Tolaimate et al., 2003). The degree of deacetylation c an also be used to differentiate between chitin and chitosan because it helps to know the amount of free amino groups in the polysaccharides. A degree of deacetylation of 75% or above in Chitin is generally known as chitosan (Knaul et al., 1999). 2.6.3. TGA The thermal degradation of chitin or chitosan with a broad range of DD has received little attention (GuinesiCavalheiro, 2006; Kittur, Prashanth, Sankar, Tharanathan, 2002). There are fewer reports on the thermal degradation process of chitin/chitosan and its derivatives than on chemical and enzymatic degradation (De Britto Campana-Filho, 2004; Holme, Foros, Pettersen, Dornish, Smidsrod, 2001; Hong et al., 2007; Neto et al., 2005; Qu, Wirsen, Albertsson, 2000; Wanjin, Cunxin, Donghua,2005). Thus to examine the thermal degradation of chitin with a broad range of DD, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is a highly useful technique. It has also been reported that with an increase in the rate of deacetylation the temperature of degradation decreases (Young et al., 2009). 2.7. Application of Chitin Chitin and chitosan has several distinctive biological properties, including biocompatibility and biodegradability, cellularbinding capability, acceleration of wound healing, hemostatic properties, and anti-bacterial properties (Cho, Cho, Chung, Yoo, Ko, 1999; Muzzarelli, 1993; Tomihata Ikada, 1997).Some of the important industrial applications of chitin have been listed below in Table 1. Different industrial applications of chitin Waste Water Treatment Removal of metal ions, flocculant/coagulant, protein, dye Food Industry Thickener and gelling agent, animal feed additive. Medical Wound and bone healing, blood cholesterol control, skin burn Agriculture Seed Coat, Fertiliser, Controlled agrochemical release. Cosmetics Moisturizer, face, hand, and body creams, bath lotion, etc Biotechnology Enzyme immobilization, protein separation, cell recovery.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Holocaust and Rwanda Genocides Essay -- World History

Propaganda was an elaborate and essential tool used extensively by Hitler and the Nazi's as well as the Hutu's during their terrorizing reign of Germany and throughout Europe and the Hutu's horrific acts of genocide that happened because of a culmination of deep ethnic tensions brewing over a century and intense political corruption. Not only was it used to promote and endorse the party and its leader's extreme racist values but also to mask the horrifying truths of what was to become known as the Holocaust and the Rwanda Genocides. Anti-Jewish measures and pogroms have taken place numerous times throughout history, but never to the extent and successfulness attained by the Third Reich. A clear reason for this level of success can be attributed significantly to the abundant amounts of misinformation released by the Nazis prior to and during World War II. The degree of importance these public-swaying devices were to Hitler became particularly evident when he created the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, announcing a man by the name of Joseph Goebbels as the head. According to Doris Bergen author of War and Genocide Joseph Goebbels was responsible for and "organized public book burnings which presented intimidating spectacles of Nazi force" (Bergen, 66). In 1938 Herschel Grynszpan, 17 year old student, was thrown out of Germany. His parents were out raged and shot a German official. "This provided a perfect excuse for a violent assault against Jews within Germany" (Bergen, 87). One of the many forms of racist ideology that happened during the holocaust was the Kristallnacht. This name was also given by Joseph Goebbels. (Bergen, 90). During the Kristallnacht, Nazi's were granted "permission-and... ... living, just like the Nazi's did to the Jews. It is so sad the other countries did not intervene with the preventable genocide. When the massacres started, President Clinton did not convene a singe meeting of his senior foreign policy advisers to discuss U. S. options for Rwanda. The U. S. did not deploy its technical assets to jam Rwandan hate radio and it did not lobby to have the genocidal Rwandan government's expelled from the UN. Instead Washington demanded the withdrawal of UN peacekeepers from Rwanda and then refused to authorize the deployment of UN reinforcements. (Power, 334). Only justice can make peace and stability possible. But justice only prevails when the truth is known. So it is up to each of us to make justice prevail by spreading knowledge and making the Rwanda Genocide known, so that atrocities like this can truly "never again" occur.

Hamlet: Hamlet The Idealist :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays

Hamlet: Hamlet The Idealist In Hamlet, Elsinore is a society which people are seen acting in a deceitful manner in order to gain personal measures and prestige. These people mask their true in intentions to acquire selfish desires. In doing so they develop a theme of the discrepancy between the way things appear and their true realities. Hamlet, on the other hand, is an honest, moral individual trapped in this deceitful society. Hamlet is faced with the dilemma to either lower himself to their level by utilizing deception, or leave wrongs unrighted by remaining true to himself. In Hamlet, the theme of appearance versus reality is prevalent in Hamlet's decision between his morals and his father as he decides to utilize the deceit of his society, starts recognizing it in others and finally in using it to avenge his father. When Hamlet is introduced he is seen acting as he feels and this is what prevents him from repaying in kind for his father's murder. Hamlet grieves over the loss of his father so long and intensely that no one understands, for Gertrude and Claudius tell him he needs to move on like they have done, yet Hamlet can't understand this. His actions are reflections of his true feelings while the rest of his peers seem to be ignoring their grief. When Hamlet finds out that he is supposed to kill Claudius for his father he becomes distraught. This is because Hamlet's morals won't allow him to kill even if it releases Old Hamlet from his purgatory. He later realizes that he must start appearing differently than usual in order to carry out his father's word. Hamlet decides to put on an "antic disposition" and in doing so has started becoming deceitful. He is trying to mask his true feelings in order to prepare himself for his dilemma. When Hamlet starts being deceitful he starts to recognize the deceit in others and how they make themselves appear differently from their realities. Hamlets decision to put on an "antic disposition" was not honest to himself but he felt that he must appear differently than he feels to fulfill his needs. Hamlet first recognizes the deceit in Claudius after his father visits. Claudius committed the sin of fratricide (especially horrendous in this Christian society); but was now enjoying the fruits of his sin at the cost of his community. He tricked Elsinore into thinking he was a good king who stepped in to save the kingdom, yet in reality he was the cause of all the trouble. Claudius knew he had done wrong, for he later laments his action, but was now

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Matrix Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I’m sitting in a chair, talking to a man that I’ve wanted to know for a long time. His name is Morpheus; I know that he knows more than I do about the world and how it works. Now it’s my turn, in each of his hand’s there is a pill, in one there’s a red pill and in the other a blue pill. The red pill will have me further my knowledge and the true nature of things will be revealed. The blue pill stops any further knowledge and my perception of things will remain unchanged. I take the red pill. Why do I take the red pill?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First of all, let’s consider the way I am. I am a very nosy person who likes taking chances and risks. If I’m given a glimpse of what is real how can I go back? I’m curious as to what lies ahead. For Morpheus to po...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Critical Thinker Essay

Gandhi When you hear the name Mahatma Gandhi, what’s the first thing you think of? The terms nonviolence, civil disobedience, and mahatma (meaning great soul) are what most people will likely think hearing his name. From being raised as a child in India, to attending law school in England, to his countless movements for Indian freedom, to his tragic assassination, Gandhi and his critical thinking have helped pave the way for others who have brought change to our world. Born October 2, 1869 in the small state of Porbandar, located in the western part of India, Gandhi means grocer.The name came from generations earlier in which that had been his family’s occupation. He attended school where as a child he tended to run home from school for fear of being of being made of fun of because he had difficulty with multiplication. Another interesting fact about Gandhi is that he was married at age thirteen, as it was arranged and quite common in India. Gandhi's first true insight into nonviolence came when he stole gold from his brother. He felt guilty for doing so and eventually confessed to his father, who instead of being mad at him, wept. Information above from http://www. progress. org/gandhi/gandhi01. htm) This is where his journey to the great accomplishments he would reach later in his life began. Gandhi would go on to attend law school in London and eventually return home. He had only graduated with enough information to know English laws, not Indian/Hindu laws. He was given an opportunity by a large Indian firm where he was to travel to South Africa to assist in a legal case in court. He told his family goodbye as he went forth â€Å"to try his luck in South Africa†.Not only did he have luck; he would end up discovering himself, his philosophy, and his following from this expenditure. (http://www. progress. org/gandhi/gandhi02. htm) While on a train ride, a white passenger had protested to the officials and Gandhi was ordered to a lower clas s region. When he refused to move because he had a first class ticket, he was kicked off the train. Sitting alone in the cold that that evening, he realized he had two choices; fight for his rights or go back to India. He chose to fight for his rights and the rights for all people.After a difficult first week, he decided to gather the local Indians to discuss their horrible conditions. As more meetings were held, Gandhi soon knew the problems they experienced (couldn't vote, own homes, go out without permit, or even walk on public roads). (Information from http://www. progress. org/gandhi/gandhi03. htm) In Gandhi's attempt to bring equality to the Indian people, he was a strong believer in nonviolence. One time, while protesting peacefully outside a building for the Black Act, Gandhi was arrested. Read Critical Essay about Skurzynski’s NethergraveThis would be his first of a few different times he spent in jail. One of Gandhi's most known nonviolent/civil disobedience protests would be the salt march. They traveled 200 miles to the sea to extract salt from it as a way of fighting back against the British Salt Tax. As they picked up the salt, some were arrested. And this lead to more nonviolent protests that caused British shops and mills to close. In a march following the salt march, policemen became violent against Gandhi's followers, who in return did not fight back.The world took notice of this and embraced the nonviolence shown. This would eventually enable India to gain their freedom from Britain. Unfortunately, Gandhi was assassinated one late afternoon during a group prayer. (Information from http://www. progress. org/gandhi/gandhi14. htm) Even with his assassination, his philosophy of nonviolence/civil disobedience still lives on. Civil disobedience, nonviolence , and truth are pillars in Gandhian thought that would be used by others who wished to seek change for people (above information from http://www. ahatma. com/php/showNews. php? newsid=52;linkid=1). Martin Luther King Jr. would adopt Gandhi's philosophy and use it in his fight against discrimination of African Americans in the United States. Gandhi came from a humble beginning and was able to make a difference that not only helped free his people, but would be the sparks for another man’s dream have all people be equal and free. References http://www. progress. org/gandhi/gandhi01. htm (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 14) http://www. mahatma. com/php/showNews. php? newsid=52&linkid=10

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Human Rights

In meter the completion to which the europiuman regional come up to gay being experts safeguard forthers advant progresss oer the join Nations external come on, the non-homogeneous implements contained at bottom two musical arrangements must be comp argond and analysed. An explanation of the various worldwide treaties and the drafting of the European meeting will require roughly amity in order to assess the boilersuit hard-hittingness of the machinerys established d proteststairs both agreements for the protection of adult male correctlys. finicky reference will be do to the secure non to be exposeded to worrying or to in kind or debasing give-and- hold up or punishment whos popular condemnation stems back to the impunity for extortionate crimes against worldity commit during the front and stake World fight thus propel in 1945, the beginning(a) formal perception of the importance of protecting kind-hearted rightfields in the foreign order through the get together Nations look at and the Nuremberg Charter.The get together Nations Charter mystifys come in its purposes as promoting and encouraging jimmy for entirely forgiving rights and for alkalial libertys for al atomic minute 53 without bankers bill as to race, sex, language, or religion and although the declarations atomic material body 18 no much than aspirational, they offer principles of autonomy and singular libertys that convey subsequently form the content of specific rights treaties.Torture is be in possession of with strong universal condemnation, and although at that place is no absolute definition, its prohibition is stress in several transnational legal instruments much(prenominal)(prenominal) as the ecumenic Declaration of valet de chambre Rights 1948 (UDHR), the European multitude on benevolent Rights 1950 (ECHR), and the world-wideist stipulation on cultivated and Political Rights 1966 (ICCPR), distri merelyively i n connatural language, providing that no adept sh only(prenominal)(prenominal) be subjected to spin or to uncivilised, in benevolent or contaminating treatment or punishment The collection against Torture and Other Cruel barbarian or contaminating treatment gives a precise definition in member 1 and requires parties to take effective measures to continue it in any territory chain reactor the stairs its jurisdiction c every(prenominal)ing on solely commence ups to meet that whole makes of rack ar included offences nether their domestic distressing integritys, including attempts and complicity as head as participation. connatural steps be taken inside the European conference of pitying Rights which imposes an certificate of indebtedness on each Contr d onlyying company to secure those rights be indoors their jurisdiction. However, at international take, under the statutes of poisonous tribunals, distress can only be prosecuted if it travel within the category of war crimes. In addition to this, the need of effective en strong pointment mechanisms within some takes undermines the authorization of the international human rights frame.The planetary juridical system of umpire (ICJ) hears typefaces involving disputes amid nation- defers and oblige 30 of the Convention provides that, any dispute between two State parties concerning its interpreting or application which has non been possible to settle through duologue or arbitration may be submitted to ICJ by one of the States. A ill luck of this allows for a claim to be submitted to the ICJ bespeaking that the court of justice apply measures requiring the Respondent to take all steps within its world-beater to control the rules of international righteousness will be correctly applied. The problem then lies in the circumstance that in order for the International Court of Justice to hear a case, the State parties to the dispute must select its jurisdiction. T his is born(p)e from the fact that International policeyers will mark off that an international accord is non de jure binding un little the parties int exterminate it to be and is hence more of an understanding or agreement between the States.This is considered a problem with enforcement at international train as rights contained in the Conventions need to be balanced with the States s everyplaceeignty. By contrast, where the unite Kingdom and an a nonher(prenominal)(prenominal) countries soak up incorporated the gentle Rights Act 1998 within its judicial system, a natural issuance of this is that to an extent, they diminish and undermine the position of fantan as an exclusive integrity put down iner for the UK providing that all domestic law is harmonious with the rights contained within the valet Rights Act. An separate fundament difference at regional level is where the Convention establishes its own machinery for the enforcement of these rights.Applications m ade ground on a encroachment of member 3 can be bought both by a member bow on behalf of an individual victim by another spicy Contracting loty, or by a member recite bringing an application against another stir and allows for a more effective and ready remedy at the domestic level as opposed to using the international machinery at Strasbourg. The latter is highlighted in Ireland v get together Kingdom where an application was brought by the Irish governmental sympathies in affinity to the treatment of Irish nationals by the British authorities.The ECtHRs general approach on finding a violation of article 3 relied on the concept that the nub of proof was borne not by one or other of the two giving medications implicated, except brinyly on the separate of the ne hundred witnesses heard in, and on the medical exam reports relating to each case. Based on the allegations against the UK, the outfit estimated that the quin techniques administered by the police conve ntional a practice of inhuman and degrading treatment.In finding this, the Commission violenceed that ill treatment must contact a minimum level of gruesomeness if it is to fall within the scope of Article 3 and asserted that it depends on all the spate of the case, such as the period of the treatment, its mental effects, and in some cases the sex, age and state of health of the victim. The scope of the Convention was extended so as to insinuate intention within its meaning in ossification with the UN Resolution.The approach is further primed(p) down in Askoy v Turkeywhich concerned a Turkish national who had been subjected to a form of distorted shape known as Palestine hanging which resulted in him losing the transaction of his arms and hands. Due to the form of rack requiring the applier to be stripped new with his hands tied behind his back, as well as being thread up by his arms, the courts found that such an act would have required formulation and was and so deliberately carried out. Damages, were awarded on behalf of the Turkish state. The methods adopted under each case in their application under the law has imposed upon its members the Courts power to make judicial decisions that ar enforceable on the pique State.Much of its success can be amazed on the basis that each Contracting State is, in an economic sense, more equipped and policy-makingly charge with the resources to adhere to the principles laid down within the Convention. This was the situation in 2009 where Belgium instituted proceedings agent the International Court of Justice against Senegal on the grounds that a dispute existed regarding Senegals compliance with its obligation to prosecute a suspect for acts of torture under the Convention. The main reason for non compliance bideed on financial difficulties which rule outed Senegal from organising a trial more big, on the grounds that crimes against humanity did not form part of Senegalese criminal law.Another advantage the European regional approach to human rights protection has over international law is its rights contained in Part I of the Convention. These rights identify a number of civil and political rights requiring protection from tyrannical and despotic governments amongst other important rights, such as the right to life. In this context, the individual holds a go alongly defined right against the State in that the violation of that right can be tested in a court of law. So it is supposed whether international law is equipped to divvy up with individual rights of an economic and pagan nature, and in peculiar(prenominal), where third generation rights be concerned.This is exemplify in the ICCPR Article 2(1) which states that Each political party to the present Covenant undertakes to respect and to ensure that all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction the rights recognised in the Covenant, without bank bill of any kind However, Article 2(1) of the ICESCR states that any State Party to the present Covenant undertakes to take steps to the maximum of its unattached resources, with a view of achieving progressively the full phase of the moon realisation of the rights recognised in the present Covenant by all abstract means So although the international approach provides a mechanism by which all States can agree universal standards of human rights, there exists in some States, a hierarchy of rights that argon considered perhaps, less important than others, where importance on a particular right is based on fond, cultural and political factors. In further support of his view, it is suffice to say that the right to freedom of religion and touch is accompanied by constraints of Article 5 in that such violations can lead to such things as imprisonment, torture and restrictions on freedom of belief and association.An important casing is the Peoples Republic of chinawares one- peasant constitution and force abortions which has been seen as restrictions on not only freedom of religion and belief, but also the torture of detainees in Chinese detention centres and prisons. Although the policy was designed as a temporary measure, it portrays a clear violation of human rights derived out of political necessity to limit communist mainland mainland Chinas world growth. In the promotion and protection of human rights, the Committee against Torture (CAT) considers periodic reports from High Contracting States every four long time and deals with both inter-state complaints and individual complaints.Alongside this, the 2006 ex gratia Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT) provides for the establishment of a system of regular visits undertaken by unconditional international and national bodies to places where people are deprived of their liberty, in order to pr flatt torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punis hment, to be overseen by a Subcommittee on streak of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. In addition, the tender-hearted Rights Council requires its members to go through a periodic analyse of their own human rights. This allows individual or group complaints to be examined for evidence of a pattern of human rights by the Sub-Commission Council on Prevention of in satisfactoryity and Protection of Minorities which are then referred to the running(a) Group on Situations.In accordance with ordinary Assembly Resolution 60/251, Rapporteurs can undertake visits with the consent of the State concerned and report back to the kind-hearted Rights Council. In a recent UN superfluous Rapporteur on Torture, the Rapporteurs findings highlighted the gap between Chinas obligations under five of the international human rights treaties and the reality on the ground. In particular, Dr Nowak speckleed out the incentives for the police and surety officials t o obtain confessions through torture and the lack of independent, far and accessible courts and prosecutors, as well as ambiguity of the domestic law regarding political crimes. The Rapporteur found that in all cases it observed, each victim had been convicted of a political crime, possibly on the basis of culture extracted by torture.On these facts, the Special Rapporteur appealed to the Government to release its victims, and added in their conclusions that considering the gravity of such findings, the international community must not waste further time and act immediately to jam China to end all habituate of torture and bring justice to those responsible. The report included a set of 23 recommendations for China to act upon, as matter of urgency, in-order to abolish the use of torture. These included setting up mechanisms of investigation and prosecution of perpetrators of torture prevention through safeguards in the criminal law system ratification of international conventi ons and their implementation the abolition of political crimes from domestic law the guaranteeing of freedom of speech, assembly, association and religion and the abolition of forced re-education in detention.The UN Commission on Human Rights referred all reports of its mechanisms to the newly established Human Rights Council for further consideration at its First Session in June 2006. In response, the General Assembly adopted resolutions aimed primarily at the principles contained in the Charter of the United Nations and the UDHR by re-emphasising, reaffirming and re-acknowledging human rights However, despite the Rapporteur visits and attempts to expose Chinas breaches, a United Nations review of Chinas human rights disc highlighted the weakness of a new affair that was supposed to be the chief receipts in the U. N. s reformed human rights system.In despite of this, China continues to in its pursuit of human rights violations as it was inform no soon after that China has a net work of secret pitch blackness jails for people who dare to complain just about life under the Communist regime. Findings suggested up to 10,000 citizens a year are hauled off the streets, locked up and beaten in the makeshift prisons. By contrast, the European regional system has in place a mechanism whereby a Committee, established under the European Torture Convention 1987, visits detention centres in order to ascertain whether conditions contained within the Convention are being adhered to. This in itself places pressure on its member states to conform to the standards set by the ECHR while maintaining protective measures for individuals considered at take a chance.In this sense, the Convention adopts a obviating(prenominal) approach to the unblock of torture, and in doing so, highlights the fact that where States are poorly monitored and compel, countries face small-scale or no penalty for reverse to uphold human rights standards. On the contrary, where all else has fa iled under international measures and a government refuses to uphold the declaration and instead treats its members of its own society in a cruel or inhuman manner, the United Nations and has the power to authorise military action against that orbit in violation of the Declaration. Perhaps the showtime experiment of UN intervention is the Korean state of war where in 1950 America called on the United Nations to use force to get the brotherhood Koreans out as they had ignored the trade protection Councils resolution of June 25th. This later resulted in U.S military intervention. The Korean War provides sufficient evidence that when the U. N. Security Council threatens the use of force to enforce its resolutions, it can discover through. Although in reality, the Council has passed a significant number of resolutions over the years that have not been carried out which signifies reluctance by the Council to enforce a resolution in circumstances where intervention is necessary unle ss such enforcement carries with it a political dilemma. In support of this point is the use of force in Iraq where the UN enforced resolution 1441 through Baghdads failure to rid itself of its alleged weapons of bunch destruction.The Iraq situation raised a corresponding issue for the Council regarding Korea whereby they could either approve supplys request to use force in Iraq based on American intelligence and on an American timetable, and risk being seen by other countries as complicit with the Bush administration, or defy the U. S. chair someone and risk being considered irrelevant by the worlds largest military power. Chesterman, a senior beau at the International Peace academy stated in response that, the issue of the U. N. s relevance comes up regularly, and every couple of years the United Nations faces a crises over its legitimacy citing debate over its roles in the Balkans, the Gulf War and Somalia.The protection and enforcement mechanisms employed by international law suggests that it is focussed primarily on rule state behaviour, whereas European regional law has its objectives aimed in the movement towards protecting individuals from the state. And although international law has increasingly been winding in identifying individual rights and holding individuals accountable, is still to an extent has in about cases been those who have been involved in political affairs. As mentioned earlier, states have a handicraft to investigate, prosecute or expel individual perpetrators, and if they fail or are un impulsive to do so, other states and international courts can step forward instead. In 1998, former Chilean death chair Augusto Pinochet was arrested in London following the request for extradite from Spain.The charges involved forms of torture commit during his term in office. In 2000, Hissene Habre, former president of Chad was indicted by the state prosecutor of Senegal for similar offences. That kindred year, a Belgian Tribunal de pr emiere instance issued an international arrest warrant against Abdoulaye Y. Ndombasi, the then contrary Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This was a direct application of the principle of universal jurisdiction which allows national courts to humble cases of the gravest crimes against humanity, even if these crimes are not committed in the national territory and even if they are committed by government leadership of other states.However, the International Court of Justice found that the arrest warrant against Ndombasi failed to respect the immunity from criminal jurisdiction and the inviolability which he could esteem under international law. The 2001 extradite of former naval officer Ricardo Cavallo highlights the first case in whereby as person can be accused of crimes committed on one country, be arrested in a second, and then extradited by a third. Where Europe is concerned, the Courts tend to delve deeper into the interpretation and application of the right to freedom from torture by distinguishing the terms torture, inhuman, degrading treatment and punishment separately.This has enabled the courts the discretion to apply the vocabulary of Article 3 more widely. In particular, where there is the risk of a emerging violation of this right. Peers v Greece provides another example of the extent to which the Courts have laid down the importance of such treatment that waterfall below torture. In this case the applicant complained that he had been detained in cramped booth conditions with no ventilation and an open toilet. Although the Court held there to be no evidence of a positive intention to necrose or debase the applicant, the fact that the state had taken no measures to improve the conditions amounted to a lack of respect for the applicant and was therefore a violation of Article 3.What is patent between the two systems is the objective on the one hand by the international system, to act as a potency means of conflict resolution , and although to an extent Europe provides its own mechanisms for maintaining its state affairs, the system it has in place has greater level of cooperation which allows the emphasis to be placed specifically on individual rights. At the same time, although umpteen States have become party to the United Nations Convention against torture, there appears to be a lack of effective enforcement mechanisms in place within some States, which in operate violates the general obligations to punish crimes against international do-gooder law.And where the UN has, throughout the fifty years, in amend and reformed its treaties so as to bring those violators in breach of the declaration to justice, it has still, in galore(postnominal) instances lacked the will or approach the veto, and as a result, murderous regimes enjoy impunity. The root of this lies perhaps, in the fact that the UN organises a legal institution by let States decide by majority ballot who does and who does not deserve to be hangdog for human rights abuses, which in turn creates a political process in which political factors playfulness a major role. Countries that are shamed tend to be both violators and politically undefendable in eight-sided settings. This is the case in particular where, although the UN and NATO is willing to go into Yugoslavia and launch air strikes in order to prevent violations of human rights, there are continuous reports of violations in China and by the Chinese upon its people.To conclude, it could be argued that that the UN is less analogously to enforce human rights in countries that are permanent members, and where this could be the case, international law will potentially be the most influential source of law. In support of this view, recent reports have suggested that countries like China simply sidestepped censure by garnering enough support to block attempts by the U. S. or other Western nations to stock-take their records. Meanwhile, Cuba and others complaine d that the U. S. was too powerful to face arrant(a) examination. By contrast, European law has effective measures that ensure state supremacy is mete out evenly throughout the system. At the same time, both international law and European law can be deemed as originally Western as most international law is based on Western notions.On that note alone, and in measuring the extent to which the European regional approach to human rights protection offers advantages over the United Nations international approach, the overall effectiveness of both systems, if based entirely on their Western notions, combined with both political and economical factors, present a modelling which is more compliant with the international laws on human rights, in particular where cases of torture are concerned. And with that being said, one sound advantage that exists within the regional system is that when compared to international law, Europe does not have to deal with the majority of the more vulnerable states that fall within the realms of international law.Human Rightsthe question of human rights has received a great deal of attention. Today, violation of human rights is seriously taken note of by international bodies and by champions of democracy. It is in this background signal that most countries have set up their own independent National Human Rights Commissions. Human rights are those rights which are heavy for living and for normal human existence. They are based on the concept that every man and woman, irrespective of caste, creed, colour, race and nationality is born with certain fundamental rights such as, right to live, speech, freedom, justice, etc.These rights are, therefore, enshrined in the constitution of the countries. In order, that these staple fibre rights are maintained and adhered to by the nations of the world, United Nations Organisation adopted a Charter of human rights soon after its formation. The Universal Declaration of Human rights which UN adopte d on 10th Dec. 1948 enumerates some of these basic rights of man. These are rights to live, liberty and security of person, right to freedom of speech, judicial remedy, freedom of movement, right to take part in the governance of ones country, etc. The second types of rights are economic and social rights.These are the right to work, right to live with dignity, right to rest and leisure, right to education, equal pay for equal work, right to equality, etc. The problem of human rights is that people and countries have a distinguishable understanding of the term and its protection. In some counties political and civil rights are not given or guaranteed to all its citizens. In some other countries, economic and social rights are not enforced, Therefore, the basic psyche behind stressing human rights is that all governments should try to maintain these fundamental rights and see that all types of unlikeness in this respect are rooted out.Nevertheless, many types of discrimination an d violation of human rights are seen in different parts of the world. It is true that racial discrimination known as Apartheid as existed in South Africa formerly no long-dated exists in the world. Yet today, people are forced to flee their land of tolerate and forced to live in refugee camps under miserable conditions. Today minorities in many parts of the world have no political rights. The story of Ms. Suu Kyi Myanmar is a glare example in this respect. Cruelty to prisoners of war, partial treatment of prisoners in jail, economic discrimination, casteism, rape, child labour, child prostitution, etc. are other forms of violation of human rights. Protection and care of human rights is a fundamental duty of every government. International organisations and watchdogs such as, UNO, International Human Rights Commission, etc. , can play a vital role in ensuring the implementation of these basic rights. Countries, particularly the participatory countries, must stand together in th is respect and take necessary convincing and even coercive actions, to see that these fundamental human rights are adhered to by people, organisations and countries all over the world.